2020 sure turned up the heat.
All the negative in me seemed to boil to the surface.
It’s painful to have weaknesses you’ve been pushing down or ignoring, suddenly.. exposed.
But after months of feeling frustration and fear—
Judgement and despair—
I am humbled to share how God answered our prayers.
He worked mighty miracles that, today, I am a witness of.
In case you needed a reminder,
People are good.
Angels are among us.
Jesus loves us.
The first much needed shift took place in my prayers.
From “help me” to “help me see”.
Help me see the suffering of those around me.
Help me see and appreciate the good and beautiful.
Help me see the opportunities to share what we have.
Help me see the perspective of another.
I remembered a principle God had taught me.
He won’t always change my circumstances..
But He is anxious and eager to change my perspective.
Shortly after this shift—and by no coincidence—
Jackie’s “Christmas for Cancer Families” effort came to our attention.
It was apparent this was the opportunity we were praying for.

The first miracle was the faith of the Augustines.
They would have to be vulnerable in such an intimate way..
Allow complete strangers into their home and hearts.
They didn’t know what the outcome would be..
and extended remarkable trust to our naive little family.
All while their son was sick.
Between chemo treatments and hospital stays,
They were willing to take a leap of faith.
The second miracle was the volunteers.
As word spread about our project..
The hungry just came.
They came to feast and be filled on the joy that only service brings.
We were shocked that not only did people show up—
They gave their all.
They brought their friends.
They recognized needs and filled in gaps.
They fundraised products and services.
They embraced the long days and late nights.
Then they would leave and thank us for giving them the opportunity.
The third miracle was the sub contractors.
We brought talent out of retirement..
Young moms and booked professionals.
These people didn’t have time — but they made time.
They didn’t work when it was convenient for them,
But when it was absolutely essential for us to complete this project.
Workdays, nights and weekends included.
They worked on top of each other,
In small spaces and tight timelines.
We gutted and reconstructed an entire house in 10 days.
The behind-the-scenes miracle was the babysitters.
I am a full-time mom and rarely leave my kids—
Almost 4 and 2 years old.
They are accustomed to my attention and focus.
Needless to say, this project was definitely a challenge for us..
And especially difficult for my baby.
Grandparents, aunts, and cousins subbed in and took over.
They kindly dealt with the grumpy, sleep deprived, over-indulged little monsters—
They helped them enjoy a hectic and confusing minute in their lives.
The next miracle was the angels.
They found what was lost.
Opened doors that were closed.
Mended hearts that were broken.
Have you ever wondered how God answers billions of prayers?
Obviously through the living around us..
But I am a witness He also sends his angels.
For me, during this project, it was primarily Riley.
(Jackie’s son who died earlier this year from cancer.)
Although we never met physically,
I felt as though we tag teamed the entire mission.
The last miracle is also the first.
As the scriptures say,
“in Christ there should come every good thing” (Moroni 7:22).
He is the reason people are good.
He is the reason angels are sent.
He is the reason life (and cancer) is not the end..
we will all LIVE AGAIN.
Our advocate, brother, Redeemer, healer.
Let us always remember Him.
That He lives and loves us.
The pure love of Christ has the power to fundamentally change us.
To change the world.
Bring His light into the darkness and love your neighbor.
Or a stranger.
The future is bright wherever you carry His light.
If you didn’t see the video of the makeover, you can watch above.
If you would like to be a part of future Uplift Missions you can sign up at https://upliftmission.com/